Vegan Vs. Vegetarian

The defining line is pretty clear, yet often confused by companies selling food products, foodies and chefs. Like vegans, vegetarians do not eat any animal flesh; no chicken, pig, cow, sea animals, nada and dairy product

Animals Milk- is a form of meat

But there is controversy after all you get it from an animal. Actually that milk is meant to feed the youngones of that creature therefore is not vegetarian no matter what the purpose is for period

In addition to not consuming any animal meat, a vegan doesn’t eat eggs, dairy products or any other product derived from an animal. Vegetarians, on the other hand, tend to eat eggs and dairy products like milk and butter.

When it comes to being a vegetarian, the definition isn’t always clear cut. You might meet a vegetarian who doesn’t eat dairy but eats eggs.

Veganism, however, is clearly defined: no eating animal flesh, no using products tested on animals or wearing products derived from animals. Us vegans just leave animals alone and let them live their lives, period.

Well, one reason is that a number of sub-category diets have emerged under the vegetarian umbrella that include eating meat and using animal by-products, something vegans are keen to disassociate themselves with. There’s also the fact that most, not all, vegetarians eat eggs and dairy products, something vegans don’t do.

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